
Parent Community

CCGS is an inclusive school. We understand the vital role parents and community play in educating children. When your family joins CCGS your child becomes part of a caring and diverse school community.

It’s a community renowned for its family spirit, warm welcome and opportunities to join new social and professional networks. It's a community with cohesive values and expectations.

CCGS student with parent at annual Father's Day breakfast

There are many ways for parents to get involved in their children’s education including:

Parents and Friends

A thriving Parents and Friends association builds a strong sense of belonging and connection with students and their families. Outstanding community events have included an annual welcome gathering, a business networking cocktail evening, a masquerade ball, carols at Christmas and of course an annual Spring Fair. In addition to raising funds for infrastructure and equipment, the P&F funds innovation grants to advance teaching and learning.

P&F President Lane King

Fathers Group

The Fathers Group encourages fathers to be involved in the school community in the ways they enjoy and helps build and sustain lasting bonds. The Fathers & Children Camp allows dads, boys and girls to enjoy a fun filled weekend together away from the stresses of everyday life and the Fathers & Children Breakfast is an annual favourite.

CCGS family enjoying breakfast together at annual Father's Day breakfast

Parent Representatives

Our parent rep scheme is run by parents for parents, offering advice and opportunities to socialise and integrate quickly. One or two parents represent each grade. They welcome and introduce new families to our community and organise fun social events for families in their cohort like picnics, Easter hunts, movie nights, Christmas parties and school discos.  

Parents as Partners

A brief Parents as Partners course prepares parents to get involved in their child’s education through helping in the classroom and on excursion.

Parents organise and support friend and fundraising events that contribute to the fabric of our learning community in ways that are both tangible and intangible. Parents and past students also assist as coaches for sports or performing arts cocurricular programs.

A significant proportion of parents contribute to the voluntary giving program at the time when they pay their school fees and funds provide equipment and support infrastructure projects. From time to time the school appeals for support to fund major building projects, most recently the new Junior School capital appeal.