
Action for Oxygen


CCGS rallied behind a cause this week - to raise funds to support poor and low-income households in India.

The devastating impact of COVID-19 has taken its toll on many parts of the world. India has now become the new epicentre of the global pandemic and an overwhelmed healthcare system has left hospitals struggling to copy and critical drugs and oxygen in short supply.

Year 7, Rishi Gupta knows all too well the devastating impact COVID is having on the community in India.

"I have cousins, aunties and uncles in India and have already lost family members to COVID. The situation is very very bad. People who are poor or have low incomes cannot get the help they need. They have to go to work to help feed their families but they are sick. I was desperate to do something to help," said Rishi.

With some help from staff at CCGS and a passionate team of Year 11 students, Action for Oxygen was born.


A week of fun!

House families provided a vehicle for students to discover more about India. Older students helped younger kids make Indian flags to fly high.

Year 11 washed the car windscreens of staff and Year 12 students, in exchange for a donation. At weekend Sport and the Espressivo concert gold coins were collected from the public.

The CCGS canteen donated proceeds from the sale of cookies, curries and ice-blocks to the appeal.

A music concert in the Performing Arts Centre gave everyone the opportunity to drop their gold coin donation into a bucket, whilst clapping their hands and stamping their feet in time to the talented musical performances. And a 'friendly' cricket match between Australia (staff) and India (students) gave everyone a chance to let off some steam and encourage donations from the crowd!


Chimelle Coetzee, Year 11 said, "Rishi shared his story with Year 11 and we were all so affected by what he told us. We saw the impact that the pandemic has had on Rishi and his family and we all knew that we wanted to help in any way we could."  


Jack Li, Year 11 added, "Personally for me, when you know someone who has family members impacted by this global pandemic, my heart aches. I've had family members impacted by COVID-19. I can really relate to Rishi and what he is going through so I'm doing everything I can to help him."

Mrs Jacki Lynch, Leader - Middle School said, "It has been amazing to see the energy and support that the CCGS community have put into supporting this cause. No matter how big or small your donation, every little bit helps. We are truly grateful to everyone for getting involved."

Together we raised over $8,000 to support the Indian Red Cross. A further $1,000 was added to the appeal directly from the School taking our total to just over $9,000.