
Kindergarten Fairytale Day

Fairytale Day at CCGS

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Our very youngest students had the chance to slay some dragons or lock horns with the Wicked Witch in our annual Kindergarten Fairytale Day.

Smiling little faces in amazing costumes melted all our hearts when they made their way through the Junior School to loud applause and cheers from students in Years 1 to 6. It was an opportunity for everyone to celebrate Kindergarten and how much they have grown.

Students delight in Fairytale Day at CCGS

Then in a land far far away (otherwise known as the Kindy neighbourhood area) children were treated to a special performance from Goldilocks herself before practising their STEM skills by building a house for the Three Little Pigs. 

One student said, "This is such a fun day. I love seeing all my friends dressed up."

Thank you Kindergarten for your smiles and thank you, families, for the fantastic costumes.