
James Bracey: alumni profile

James Bracey interviewing Roger Federer

You’re a successful journalist and national television host, with a career that has taken you around the world (including covering two winter Olympics and three summer Olympics, a Commonwealth Games and Rugby World Cup), what is the trait that has been most vital in achieving this success?

I think having a strong work ethic is key. 

From when I got my first job as a 14 year old at Video Ezy Erina (best job ever!) to washing dishes at Terrigal Thai, pouring beers at Terrigal Bowlo or eventually becoming a television sports reporter/host, I always just wanted to make sure I was fully committed, reliable and good to work with.

I haven’t been sacked from a job yet, so it’s a formula that seems to be working. I’ve probably jinxed myself now.

When you were a Year 10 student did you ever imagine you’d have a career as a Sports Journalist/TV host?

Somehow I knew early on that I wanted to work in broadcasting. I would record radio shows and mock footy commentary on my cassette recorder (yep, I’m that old) at home as a kid. But as a Year 10 student I never would’ve imagined that I’d get to do what I’ve done for a job over the past 15 years!

The post-school world seems so intimidating as a teenager, but once you leave school and venture into it, you soon realise that you really can get what you want. Everyone else is just as daunted.

What is one piece of advice you would give to today’s CCGS students?

Start early!

If you’ve got an inkling of what you might like to do/be, hunt down someone who is already in that industry and send them an email asking for some advice on how to take the first steps into that industry. The worst they can do is not write back - you’ve got nothing to lose! And if you don’t get a response, have a back-up option too. Persistence pays.

What are you passionate about?

Food. Sport. My family. Not necessarily in that order. 

What is your favourite memory of your CCGS years?

Definitely our Under 16’s rugby premiership. We went the full season undefeated and I actually played some half-decent footy, unlike the other 5 years I was at CCGS. Also, electrocuting my entire Year 7 science class by taking my hands off the Van Der Graff generator. Poor Mrs Hockey – not sure if she’s forgiven me yet!

James Bracey interviewing John McEnroe