
Teaching for tomorrow's technological whizzes

From the earliest years through to the final year of schooling, CCGS provides a technology rich learning environment for our students.

Learning in Digital Technologies becomes even more dynamic and immersive in Year 7 with a comprehensive course designed to demystify complex digital processes and build skills that reflect real world practices.

Website design and coding, custom Fitbits and App development are all explored, with the skills learnt in each component designed to extend and enhance the previous.

Starting with the fundamentals of website design, students are taught the two core technologies for building webpages: HTML and CSS coding. Learning HTML provides the tools to create the structure of the webpage, while skills in CSS gives students creative licence to experiment with different page visuals such as colours, logos and fonts. The result is a fully functioning website landing page designed and coded entirely by the student.

Year 7 Digital Technologies students with their custom-made Fitbits

Students then take on the task of custom-made Fitbits where over five weeks they use Python software - the same used by developers at Google - to program a series of tasks such as step counting, fitness goals and coding motivational messages into the interface.

The final part of the course sees students use the software ‘App Inventor 2’ to plan, code and build an App. A big part of the program is the ‘Where’s my car?’ app where students take on the complex task of building an app to track a vehicle using GPS location technology.

Head of Computing at CCGS, Janine Comber said the program provides a unique opportunity for students to learn skills that are relevant both in and outside the classroom.

“In our ever-changing technological landscape it’s vital that we enhance student understanding and capacity using digital technologies. That’s why we’ve specifically designed a program that exposes students to learning centred on the very latest technology.

“This year, we've grown the program from one lesson to six per fortnight as a course within the wider Technology curriculum. The additional time dedicated to the development of these skills has seen a huge difference in the learning outcomes for our students.

“It’s not only about the practical skill development however; throughout each of the course components valuable lessons are embedded, including how data is passed around, how the internet works and how computers talk to each other.

“Year 7 is the optimal time to introduce this program to students as it builds on the foundation skills learnt in the junior years while also introducing concepts and study pathways they might not have thought about for their senior school years and beyond!” said Ms Comber.

Year 7 students practice their App coding skills